Stories of Hope & Transformation
At Mustard Seed Communities, we say “thank you, Lord” a lot. We say that because there is so much to be grateful for! In our collection of stories from our homes across the world, you’ll meet children who have a reason to smile now, caregivers that pour out their hearts, and remarkable people on a mission to change the world. We hope that as you read our stories of transformation, that you will also find a reason to say, “thank you, Lord.”
Mountain Movers is Here: A Letter from Msgr. Gregory
Join the Mountain Movers, our valued society of monthly miracle-makers.
Ryan Shaw Legacy Honored at Memorial 5K
The Ryan Shaw Foundation supports Mustard Seed Communities each year by hosting a Boston-based memorial 5K event.
Q and A with Tawah Denis, Nursing Student at Gwynedd Mercy University
Get to know Tawah and her incredible reason for deciding to be a part of a Mustard Seed Mission trip!
Mission Leader Trip Highlights
Kate Foley and Roxanne McDevitt traveled to Jamaica as a part of the Mission Leader trip. Hear more about what they learned.